Stool analysis
Analysis of the stool
In our digestive tract there are mainly very useful bacteria for our body. They help us to digest food and protect us against infections, they keep the bowel wall healthy and strong and they produce vitamins and hormones for us. But there are always also pathogenic bacteria, yeast and fungi.
The composition of the intestinal bacteria can be disturbed by malfunctioning of the stomach, gallbladder or pancreas or by eating poor and unhealthy food. The good bowel flora is especially sensitive to alcohol, smoking, medical drugs like anti-biotic, cortisone, chemo/radio therapy, chronic bowel disease like Crohn’s disease and Colitis Ulcerosa but most of all stress. The bowel can not function in a normal way anymore and pathogenic bacteria or yeast/fungi can overgrow and weaken our health.
How does it work?
You collect a testkit and take it home. The testkit contains: a test tube, a stool catcher and directions for use.
You send the stool to the lab in the self-addressed envelope.

The stool test aims at the following questions:
- Are there abnormalities in the colour or consistency (solidity) and the pH value (degree of acidity)?
- Are carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids digested?
- Are there sufficient good bacteria in the small intestine to absorb the food? And what is the level of pathogenic bacteria?
- Does the colon contain sufficient good bacteria to keep up our immune system? And what is the level of pathogenic bacteria?
- Are there any particular yeast or fungus infections in the bowels?
- Are there inflammations in the bowel like chronic bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and Colitis Ulcerosa
There is also a possibility to test the stool for parasites and the bacteria the Helicobacter pylori, that can cause stomach problems.
When the results come back from the lab, we make a plan to improve your situation. The most effective way is to regulate your body first (detox) and to improve your metabolism. This can be done with Oligo therapy. To regulate your immune system, we also change your diet.

For more information about stool analysis see:
You can also ask for a brochure from RP Vitamino Analytic.