Hair analysis
Analysis of hair
For a good functioning of the metabolism of every cell we need minerals and trace-elements. This is also the case for the living cells of the roots of your hair. When the hair cell is turned into a horn cell it preserves the minerals and toxic waste.
Hair analysis gives us an insight of the amount of different minerals, trace-elements and toxic waste that the body has stored. These values will be compared to the norm levels to see if there is a lack or a surplus of a certain mineral or toxin.
Complaints can be an indication of a lack or a surplus of a certain substance. Skin ailments are mostly due to a lack of zinc and susceptibility to allergies can be due to a lack of manganese. A high level of lead can cause learning problems in children, too much sodium gives loss of hair and too much calcium or copper brings about migraines. An analysis of your hair might confirm a suspected cause of your complaints.
The hair test aims at the following questions:
- Do you have a lack of one or more essential minerals or trace-elements?
For example less than 25 milligram Magnesium per kg hair or less than 300 mg Calcium per kg hair. - Is there a surplus of certain minerals?
For example more than 1.5 mg nickel per kg hair. - Is there an overdose of heavy metals or other toxic elements?
For example more than 0.2 mg cadmium or more than 0.8 mg lead per kg hair.
When the results come back from the lab, we make a plan to improve your situation. The most effective way is to drain your body first (detox) and to improve your metabolism. This can be done with Oligo therapy. We also adjust your diet.
How does it work?
We need hair that grows directly on the scalp.
The assistant will lift up the top layer of your hair and cut some small tufts of the underlying hair spread over the skull, so you will not see it. The tufts must be approximately 3 centimetres in length.
After She has cut your hair (we need about 0,5 gram, approximately two tablespoons) you can sent it in a special envelope to the lab.
For more information about hair analysis see: