Blood analysis
Analysis of the blood
We can see the condition of your body from a few drops of blood from your finger. In an early stage we can see all kinds of disturbances before they become serious problems. The main target is to work preventive and to keep your body away from real problems.
The blood is sent to the lab and is examined with two different tests, namely: the ROTS-test and the SKL-test.
ROTS is an acronym for Reactive Oxidative Toxic Sediments. Toxic sediments are the waste products of your metabolism and dysfunctions. Your immune system can handle a certain amount of toxins, but when it is too much, it can weaken your immune system. The shape and colour of the sediments tell us which organ or tissue is burdened with toxins.
How does it work?
Our assistant takes a blood sample from your finger.
Our assistant puts your blood on glass lens plates and you send these as analysis material to the lab by post.
The SKL-testis developed by the German doctor Rudolf Sklenar, who did important scientific research on the red blood cells.. He found a typical granular structure on the peel of the red blood cell which he called biogranula and pinecone structure.
The lab uses a specially designed colouring technique to diagnose different kinds of abnormalities in the SKL-test.

With the ROTS/SKL-test we search for abnormalities of your red blood cells (Erythrocytes).

For more information about blood analysis see:
The combined bloodtest aims at the following questions:
- Is there a metabolic disorder?
- Are there blockades of enzymes? Enzymes are body-own proteins that help us, amongst others, to digest food into useful building blocks for the body.
- Do you have a lack of trace-elements like: zinc, cobalt, copper, selenium, manganese and iron?
Blocked enzymes will arise when there is a lack of one of these trace-elements. - Is there a disorder of the liver, kidneys or nervous system?
- Do you have a lack of vitamin B12/folic acid?
- Is the coagulation value of your blood too high?
- Is there a disorder in your oxygen transport?
- Is there a disorder in your intestinal flora?
- If you have too many free radicals in your blood, cell damage will occur.
- Are there micro inflammations?
- Do you have problems with allergies?
- Are there hormonal disorders in general?
If the test shows disorders, we don’t have to wait until your problems manifest themselves or get worse. We can start improving your condition immediately. The best way to treat you depends on your constitution and circumstances. The most effective way is to regulate your body first (detox) and to improve your metabolism. This can be done with Oligo therapy.